It’s Friday…Assume Success

It’s Super Bowl weekend. Last year’s champions, the Kansas City Chiefs, will be defending against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The veteran quarter back, Tom Brady of the Buccaneers (considered by many as the greatest of all time), will be challenging the young and very talented Patrick Mahomes (who is driven to be the greatest of all time). Who will win? Experts predict a very close game. Victory will be sweet. Defeat will be a setback.

What about us? Will we experience victory? Are we experiencing victory in life now? As  followers of Jesus Christ, we know the end of the story, Jesus comes back, and we win. Evil will be destroyed, creation will be restored, and those who have been redeemed from their fallen condition will live joyfully with Him forever. It is the biggest, most decisive victory we can imagine, and we get to be a part of it.

Even so, many believers feel defeated. Our lives may look mundane and even powerless, and we may go through our days without great expectations that anything worthwhile might happen for us. We’ve disengaged from battles because we really don’t expect to win any. Yes, we know God is King, but we’ve forgotten to declare His Kingship and represent His authority in our specific circumstances.

One way out of such stinkin’-thinkin’ is to begin worshiping God as King. Like the psalmist, we also need to declare:

“You are my King and my God, who decrees victories for Jacob.” (Psalm 44:4)

Whether we are descendants of Israel or not, we are His heirs by faith. We are God’s people. He declares victory for us – especially when we worship and praise Him for His victories in our lives. When we need Him, let’s worship a particular “face” of His character that we need most. When we need victories, let’s appeal to the God who decrees them. He, being much more gifted and reliable than an elite super bowl quarterback, is always ready to deliver when we’re ready to receive it.

So, what do you say, let’s choose to live with a victory mentality, regardless of what we see happening around us. Assume Success, even if we encounter temporary setbacks. As Kingdom citizens we can’t afford to be defeatist in our outlook. You see, God speaks the language of victories, not defeats. Yes, we know that our faith will be challenged, and sometimes we will seem to suffer loss. But here’s The Truth, nothing is lost in The Kingdom; all things work together for good of those who love God and are called according to His purposes (see Romans 8:28). That’s more than a consolation prize, or a super bowl championship; it’s ultimate success. So, let’s assume victory, God’s victory, in every battle. Let’s refuse to let our faith falter and wait instead for God to come through. Let’s remember and never forget, He always decrees victories for those whose heart are engaged with His.

Have a victorious weekend. Make it better by worshiping The LORD with those who have staked their lives on the victorious King and live like more than conquerors.

All For Jesus – Nothing More, Nothing Less, Nothing Else.

“He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, The King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see, to Him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen.” (1 Timothy 6:15b-16)

One thought on “It’s Friday…Assume Success

  1. This could not have come at a Better time, you are always right on target and spot on. Love You, E.

    Sent from my iPhone



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